I used to run Linux on the laptop, but I was in hospital for a while
early in the year, and my son brought me a dongle so I could stay in
touch - of course, the software would only run under Windows! I did get
it to work under Linux later, but it took forever to set up. Anyway, to
get it working in hospital, we put the preview version of Windows 8 on
the laptop as a dual boot - the only one we could get a) free and b)
quickly. It was so bad that I wanted to get rid a.s.a.p., and it ran out
of date next year anyway - which is why I did a bit of searching round,
and found this company. There may be others even cheaper, but I'd be a
tad suspicious if they were. I did get fed up waiting (it's an old, slow
laptop) for all the updates to download, but at that price it would be
churlish to complain too much
At my age, Windows 7 will probably be
my last version, unless Windows 8 is such a disaster that Microsoft have
to bring out a Windows 9 quickly - even then, I'm unlikely to change,
Windows 7 is by far the best version yet.