Roy Smith
Oh but there are things that are wrong with OE. For example:There was nothing wrong with OE. They could have just left it alone,
and we would have had better choices.
Outlook Express does not correctly handle MIME, and will not display the
body of signed messages inline. Users get a blank e-mail and two
attachments (one of the message text and one of the signature) and
therefore need to open an attachment to see the e-mail. If the email has
been forwarded several times, users need to open attached email messages
one inside the other multiple times till they reach the parent e-mail
message. This bug has still not been rectified. The proper behavior is
described in RFC1847.
This defect was carried forward to Windows Mail, and is still present in
Windows Live Mail. Also canceling sending an email while it is being
sent does not effectively prevent it from being sent. Also, when
importing .PST files, cancelling the import while it is in progress
merely cancels the import of the current folder and the import resumes
with the next folder.
Roy Smith
Windows 7
Timestamp: Friday, January 08, 2010 6:10:51 PM