Char Jackson
Thanks, charlie, I wasn't aware of that. I've set up email clients for"is there an ISP that requires all outbound email be sent through their
mail server? If so, which ISP and where is it located?"
Cox Cable blocks port 25 for all but it's own Email server on
residential accounts.
If a non Cox email server has alternate ports available (many do),
then you can go around the blocked ports.
quite a few of my Cox customers, but it's been several years since
I've used port 25, so I haven't run into the block.
I've been setting them up with option 3 in recent years without evenThere were three possible setups for Cox users.
1. Use Cox's email servers with the Cox user's email address.
2. Use Cox's email servers with a non cox email address by first logging
in to the cox server, then send with the non Cox email address.
3. Use alternate ports to fully utilize the non Cox email server.
With some puttering around, it's possible to setup OE, Thunderbird,
Outlook, or most other email clients to use one or more of the above.
realizing there was a possible issue. Sometimes a person gets lucky.