thewiz said:
As I am filling up my "C" drive I remembered there used to be a free
program that would show a pie chart with what is taking up space on the
hard drive.
Does anybody know what that is called or where I could find a like program?
Thank you for any help.
Remembered how far back? Back to which version of Windows?
PC Magazine has their Disk Pie utility but they stopped making free
their utilities. While they claim their utilities are free, you have to
pay (annually subscribe) to *access* those "free" utilities. Since
access is not free then neither are their utilities.
Perhaps you're thinking of TreeSize Free by Jam Software. That shows a
hierarchical (tree) list of folders (and optionally files) to show you
which ones consume the most disk space.
Another is WinDirStat if you're into eyecandy. It tries to show disk
consumption as a bunch of blobs in a disk map. I find it not as useful
as having a list with numbers.
System requirements:
TreeSize : Windows 8/7/Vista/XP
Windows Server 2012/2008/2003
(32 or 64 Bit)
WinDirStat: Windows 95 (IE5), Windows 98 SE, Windows ME, Windows NT4
(SP5), Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003,
Windows Vista, and Windows 7
(No mention of both 32- and 64-bit are supported)
I'm sure the alt.comp.freeware newsgroup would have other suggestions.
Just be prepared to ignore or filter out a lot of noise over there.