Who qualifies for a TechNet subscription

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Microsoft MVP
Jul 20, 2009
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I also want to get out of this thre3ad! But, a parting shot. Where did you see contrary information, Cliff? I have just read through again, and saw none. There were personal opinions expressed, true, but nothing indicating a misunderstanding of the true use of the software. Only one self confessed abuser of the system, who ,I feel may have some justification under his personal circumstances.


Quick Scotty, beam me up!
Oct 27, 2009
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My final parting shot in this thread, from the greatest Science Fiction writer of the last half of the 20th Century:

I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.
Robert A. Heinlein


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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Well this thread has definitely reached ad infinitum, ad nauseum. I worry a seemingly simple question has gotten very heated and very personal and though I didn't intend for it to be mean, my wienie comment (Webster's 3rd definition: Nerd) probably didn't help.

I do believe the answers from all the posters in this thread could be taken contradictory or at the very least inconclusive. I personally think Clifford may worry too much about exactly what a corporations definition is of an IT professional and what is "testing" (I probably should have worded it this way rather than calling him a wienie). And I understood the "Run to teacher" comment. But since the teacher created the issue it's not a bad thing that teacher resolved it; Clifford has his answer and he is satisfied he knows now what Microsoft means ... enough to know it isn't for him. I still believe people will use it in a way they are comfortable with within their own minds.

I questioned posting this at all because I have no interest in trying to be a Forum Peacekeeper but I think it's important to accept people with different views than our own. And l wanted Clifford to know I'm glad he got an answer he can live with. I have no bad feelings for anyone that contributed to this post, with the possible exception of Microsoft and even that isn't related to their answer (You Microsoft bastids need to stop taking away features I use!). I hope this thread is locked and deep-sixed along with any bad feelings.

Have a nice day.
Mar 8, 2009
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Last comment from the teacher for those that it may concern on this topic.

I think you're right on the money with that reply Clifford. Anyone under the assumption that TechNet is 'Full versions of everything Microsoft for a flat fee' is definitely mistaken. I'm sure you're aware of this but rather than being literally purchased, generally speaking software is *licensed* for use by customers, thus the presence of End User License Agreements that customers must accept prior to installation of most software they install, even if it's the GNU Public License. The TechNet EULA specifies that software included in the TechNet Subscription is licensed for evaluation purposes only to the individual TechNet Subscriber. It does not license personal use; it does not license production or business use; it does not license entertainment use. Any of these activities taking place on software obtained through TechNet must be covered by another license, perhaps a Volume License Agreement. Similarly, any of these activities taking place on software through TechNet by someone other than the licensed individual must also be covered by some other license.

TechNet Subscriptions is specifically intended for IT Pros who need to conduct necessary technical evaluation of Microsoft software as a platform on which to operate their company's business or participate in other decisions within the company. A simple example of this would be an IT Pro will using a TechNet Subscription to confirm that Windows 7 meets his or her company's security and deployment needs, and that this will result in that company choosing Windows 7 as its desktop of choice.

As I'm sure many of your readers understand, our platform competes with other platforms in a variety of capacities, and the TechNet Subscription is a part of our efforts to compete against those other options. We're always looking for feedback from our customers on the TechNet Site Feedback forum http://social.technet.microsoft.com/forums/en-us/tnfeedback to help us improve the TechNet Subscriptions experience.

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