Bob I
Yes, it's too bad more people don't see the sham for what it is. WhenSo - you pay less. 10 kWh here would cost you € 2.30.Humm, that must be due to paying for that "sustainable" electricity theOn 26/10/2012 15:30, Wolf K wrote:
On 26/10/2012 4:45 AM, Fokke Nauta wrote:
XP certainly handled standby different than W7 does.
I'm afraid your puzzlement and irritation arise from an incorrect
interpretation of "standby". "Standby" is a misleading term/concept,
because it refers to three states:
Actually, XP's handling of "standby" states was flaky. W7's version is
much more stable.
Unfortunately in
Power options / advanced I cannot find a setting concerning the power
state during standby.
Standby _is_ a power state: Minimal power consumption. Only those parts
receive power that are needed to restart the machine (ie, to switch
power to the other parts).
Indeed. The main +5V and +12V are cut off, only the +5V standby voltage
is there.
If the power were completely switched off, you couldn't wake up the
machine. If Standby switched off all power, then the machine would
be in
Standby condition when you unpacked it. Really!
I meant to say that the main power is switched off. In standby mode
(S3) the
only the +5V standby voltage is available. That's how it was in the
standby state of XP. Wich obviously was S3.
BTW, in standby state, the computer will consume 5 watts or more. All
devices on "standby" in your house consume power. In a typical
house, it
amounts to 100 watts and up. 24 hours at 100 watts --> 2.4 KWh
hours). Here, that costs about $1. Or about $30/month. A not
inconsiderable sum. ;-(
In The Netherlands 1 kWh costs approx. 0.23 €. You obviously pay more
enviro-whacks insist on forcing on the rest of us. You can get 10 kWh
for about a buck around here. Mixture of coal and nuclear.
But at least environmentally clean electrons keep the wires clean.
When I strip off the isolation of the mains wires in the house, the
coper shines more brightly than it did years ago, when we had our
electricity from coal.
they figure out how much value has been transferred to special interests
there should be some people jailed.