(e-mail address removed) (Sn!pe) wrote;
of those who know the very details which they seek to hide, do scream
"obsession"... when in fact the deposits are doggy dodoo easily spotted by
a professional animal behavioral professional.
thank you Sn!pe.[followup to alt.windows7.general reset]
Those caught out by their own stupidities, in placing in full view[edit][...]Anyone else here catch a distinct whiff of a certain perfume called
Obsession or not, IMO A Banned Of Heroes's comments are pretty accurate.
of those who know the very details which they seek to hide, do scream
"obsession"... when in fact the deposits are doggy dodoo easily spotted by
a professional animal behavioral professional.
alt.windows7.general members, beware of the infestation of Paul
Derbyshire sock-puppets that is about to pollute your group.
IMO you would be well advised to ignore all [Tor] postings via Mixmin.
LikewiseThis has been a Public Service Announcement at no charge.