I'm intrigued. In order to be pressing the DEL key, you can't just be
looking at these files on the internet - you must have already moved
them to somewhere. Am I right?
Well, it's an innovative use of the recycle bin: certainly not what the
designers intended, but then haven't we all found uses for features that
are different from what they were designed for? (As for the bin
"silently" deleting when full, I presume Peter knows about that, and
indeed empties it when he's finished such a sorting session - perhaps
not using it normally [I don't, I nearly always shift-delete].)
Then is there any other way to send a selection of
images to some similar destination with just the
press of one key?
Would I be right in guessing you (like I) have a preference for keyboard
actions over mouse actions? If so, I do recommend looking into
IrfanView: in that, the F7 key is good for moves: OK, it's F7 then space
(or, occasionally, F7 then a digit key), thus two rather than one
keystroke, but it's very versatile for sorting a group of images into
various places. That combined with the spacebar working for "next image"
(and the fact that the delete key works too) means I can sort a pile of
images into various folders with it very rapidly, like sorting mail.
Without touching the mouse (trackpad). If, as I deduced above, you've
already moved all these images into a given location, then this would be
IMO a good method to use: the perceived disadvantage of needing two
keystrokes is IMO outweighed by the facility to set up 14 possible bins
to throw the letters into. (If you have IrfanView (if not, get it!),
load an image and then press F7: how it works is I think intuitive,
other than that it might not be obvious the first time you use it that
it _remembers_ the destination folders you set up.) Oh, and - though I
rarely use it - F8 does the same but copying rather than moving (and you
can set up another, different if you wish, 14 destinations under that).
J. P. Gilliver. UMRA: 1960/<1985 MB++G()AL-IS-Ch++(p)Ar@T+H+Sh0!:`)DNAf
.... my favourite is an advert with a woman who can't poo. Then she can. We've
all been there and now she has too. - Sarah Millican, Radio Times 23-29 March