Char Jackson
I'm not advocating anything, but just pointing out that if you have aI have heard that the issue is with the BIOS. Widows 7 uses the bios "as
part of" its method of Registration. The bios is a chip on the Motherboard.
Therefore, if you change the motherboard without changing the chip back to
your old bios chip (which may or may not fit), you may have an issue.
This is my understanding... I can't prove it nor do I want to do the
research to figure it out....ha ha.
What's really silly is this.
Do the upgrade. if you have an issue, call ..and it will get fixed.
Microsoft has a number set up for this purpose.. to reactivate you system.
If your OS is a FAKE COPY from the Internet, then tough. Just buy a real
copy and it won't be an issue.
bootleg copy or don't want to mess with Activation on your legitimate
copy, there are tools readily available that completely bypass the
whole mess. The pirates have always had things easier than the
legitimate users, unfortunately.