Loony said:
I was trying to access a certain website (AARP.Org). That means that I
could not enter the website = I could not login.
So using a crystal ball and a Ouija board at the same time, you're
using these links.
You started on this page, then scrolled right down to the bottom.
Then, clicked on "Please Log In" in the red box at the bottom.
This causes an https link to open. https is there, to encrypt the
transmissions, so your ISP can't see the username and password
you're sending to AARP.
OK, then what happens ? The window doesn't open to that page.
Or, your password is bad ? Or...
Here is a picture of what it is supposed to look like.
Do you see this, or not ?
And the question for anyone else tuned in would be, what
can stop https protocol ? I can't think of anything myself.
https seems to be going to port 443. And I also see attempts
to access ocsp.verisign.net, which might have something to do
with checking for invalid certificates. So perhaps the
protocol uses certificates of some sort, as part of proving
who is who ?
I opened Tools : Error Console in Firefox, and all I'm seeing
is warnings and no errors.