I'm a fifteen-year Macintosh user and have never owned a Windows-based computer. I have a 13.3" MacBook laptop. Windows-based computers are completely new to me.
Within the next couple of days I will be buying an HP laptop for use with an electronic sign-making machine, the Summa D75, which comes with a program called WinPlot.
I guess I'll have to start worrying about viruses, malware, spyware, and possibly other things.
Viruses are not an issue with Macs so I need to know which antivirus software package(s) is best going to protect my HP and at the same time not have any incompatibilities with either the sign cutter or with WinPlot. I don't care so much about the price of the anti-virus software as I do about its capability.
If you had a new HP laptop what would you install software-wise to make it as bulletproof as possible?
And which HP would you get? I'll need to have a big monitor, say, 15.5". It'll need to have 4GB RAM, about a 2GHz processor, at least a 500GB HD, good size video card.
What other things should I be considering?