I tried Thunderbird but it doesn't recognize my (live.ca) address.
Just searches forever and won't give me the option of manual setup
until it finishes searching, which it never does. I have to stick with
Outlook 2003. I don't know why Microsoft doesn't have a good free
email program. I don't consider Windows Live email to be good at all.
Now that sounds like a challenge wanting to be solved. I think that it
is a setup problem. The first thing that comes to mind is a PORT
setting. My ISP recently changed to a POP service and changed Ports and
SSL. Check with your ISP for all of the correct settings.
Totally uninstall any old versions of Thunderbird and download the
latest. If I recall correctly Thunderbird checks some sort of database
after you enter your email address for setup parameters.
Well, forget all of the above. I went to live.ca to get the parameters
and realized that it is a Microsoft thing. You are forced to use
Outlook it seems. But I've got an idea. When setting up Thunderbird it
gives you an option for getting an email address through some kind of
ISP that I never heard of. Why not give it a try? It it works and you
like it (and if its free) then you could consider sending out an email
address change. If nothing else it's good for an education.