Char Jackson
With sufficiently long cables, you wouldn't have to bring the drivesThe problem with putting the drives through a RAID controller is that
I'd have to bring these drives into the computer case and and connect
them permanently. I am trying to keep them as backup drives, therefore
they need to remain in the external case.
into the computer case.
From 1999 until about 2003 I had a system that was maxed out with 4
IDE hard drives, so I installed 4 more drives in a second computer
case and powered them from the power supply in that PC case, but
connected their data cables to an IDE controller card installed in my
main PC, giving me a total of 8 (smallish) drives. Before that, I did
essentially the same thing with some SCSI drives, (the controller was
internal but the drives were external), so the concept of "external
drives that think they're internal" has been around for a long time,
including a long time before I stumbled upon it.