Sorta... NBAgent is running here and I have no problems at all with SleepJohn McGaw said:Well, I finally worked it out. But the final answer still baffles me.
I installed AutoRuns and then disabled every item that I could imagine no
use for and all of the ones from questionable sources. Then I set monitor
sleep to 1 minute and started testing. The first go-round I knew that
something good had happened since the monitor slept. So then it was a
matter of enabling one item at a time and rebooting and waiting. Long
story made short: on the ninth reboot I hit paydirt. A task called NB
Agent was the culprit. The surprising thing is that this is part of Nero's
Backitup. This is one of the companies I would have trusted pretty far and
I disabled it not realizing that it was their program. Needless to say I'm
uninstalling their backup program right away. No money lost though since
the gave it to me as a free bonus when I bought Nero 9.
So ends the tale...