Is there a way to copy DVD's I purchased onto my hard drive ?

May 7, 2010
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Yes, I tried Slysoft's AnyDVD and the other program that I tried I can't remeber it's name. It was the that the first responder said to google his terrm in the search box and click on the first link. A couple of minute's ago I did a Google search for "How to copy dvd movies on your hard drive and I found a pretty good tutorial that I copied and pasted into Word 2007. It gives full instruction's using the following program's.My Movies for Windows Media Center, DVD Decryptor and DVD Shrink. I downloaded and installed all three of them. I need to go to bed now, so when I get up later, I'll try those three one last time.
Have you tried AnyDVD, as I suggested?


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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I have used DVD Decryptor and DVD Shrink in the past with great success but I haven't tried them since going to Win7.
Mar 19, 2010
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There are at least two software setups ,”that are free to use”, that will work.
The link is for “Ripit4me”, this is a set of tools. Used when other types have problems.
It is old but still works on most dvd movies. Short learning curve.
A group that is a little bit faster and easy to use:, in the completely free group without nags.
Use in order listed to create a copy.

DVD Decrypter v3.2.4.0.
DVD Shrink v Will shrink movie to fit on standard DVD disc.
FinalBurner Free, look for the free link. Will burn results without problems.

You can keep the finish product on the hard drive or create a DVD disc.
You need to work with the software to become use to the “copy” language and
what can be done. There are multiple files, not a single file.
The burner is directed to the folder, creates a dvd disc using the folder with the individual files.
I believe that making one copy of purchased software is legally acceptable. The problem is:
Using software to remove encryption is illegal.
Sort of a “Catch 22”.
Lurk in some of the dvd movie groups for more complete information.
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May 7, 2010
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All 3 work fine

All 3 programs work fine on Windows 7 x64. The My Movies for Windows Media Center add itself to Media Center's Extra section. It downloads a jpg of what the dvd cover looks like and cast information. Kinda like how Media Player and Media Center download album art and song information for your music. All 3 work beautifully in Windows 7. I'll attach a zip file of the My Movies for WMC for anyone that wants it.
I have used DVD Decryptor and DVD Shrink in the past with great success but I haven't tried them since going to Win7.


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