I have been playing Win 7, Free Cell for months. I always intended to
retry a given game until I won. On game 2710, I inadvertently accepted
my First Loss.
I now know that my Free Cell stats are stored in an xml file. How
might I edit that file, to edit (delete) that one lose.
While surely minor, compared to many the REAL problems discussed here,
I am most annoyed at myself. I sure would appreciate any/all advice on
how to edit that file.
I found a way to edit the results of the Windows7 FreeCell statistics file for cases where the number of digits in the number of games does not change. For example, you can change 1 to 9, or 100 to 750, but not 1 to 750. Increasing the number of digits will result in the FreeCell program resetting your scores to 0, even if you add a NUL character (hex 00) after the digit. (Decreasing may be okay if you delete a digit and the following NUL character, but I did not test this.) I used the following steps.
Reset scores.
Win first game.
Edit some of the fields at the end of the file “FreeCellSettings.xml” (found at C:\Users\
_your computer’s name_\AppData\Local\Microsoft Games\FreeCell) with a HEX editor.
Change the “1” to “9” in the <GamesPlayed>1</GamesPlayed>, <GamesWon>1</GamesWon>, <MaxWinStreakLength>1</MaxWinStreakLength>, and <CurrStreakLength>1</CurrStreakLength> fields, and make verify the other two nearby fields say <MaxLoseStreakLength>0</MaxLoseStreakLength> and <WonlastGame>true</WonlastGame>. Be careful to leave the NUL characters intact.
Win second game. Stats now show 10 games won.
Edit the file “FreeCellSettings.xml” again, changing the “10”s to “99”.
Win third game. Stats now show 100 games won.
Do this as much as you like. Perhaps there is a limit, I did not bother to find it. Perhaps someone with more time and curiosity will find it and let us know.
Note, immediately after an edit of the file “FreeCellSettings.xml”, the stats will not be correct in the “Games” explorer screen. Opening and closing FreeCell will update these stats in the Explorer window.
The attached file shows the edit from 100 to 366.