Ken Blake
Hi, Ken.
I have a few random but related thoughts on this "dummies" topic.
My favorite Okie, Will Rogers, once said, "We are all ignorant, just about
different things."
Yes, I've seen that before, and also like it a lot. He was absolutely
right, of course
"Ignorant", of course, does not mean "stupid". It only means that we
haven't learned THAT thing...Yet.
When I got my first TRS-80 in 1977, I was certainly ignorant of almost
everything about computers.
Back in 1962, desperate for a job, I answered an ad that read
"Programmer Trainee. College Graduate. Any Major."
I didn't get the job, and at that time I didn't know what a computer
was, let alone what a programmer was. I thought a programmer was
someone who created radio or television programs (I got my first
programming job later that year).
But I mostly agree with you: I am ignorant of many things, but I don't
consider myself a Dummie. ;^}
Same here.