Oh dear what a PEDANT you are.
And proud to be one. If there were more of us instead of half-
drunk morons managing the US economy and nuclear power station
security (etc. etc.), the world wouldn't be /quite/ such a mess,
although it would still be going to hell in a small handbasket.
That process IS using what Windows 7 provides NATIVELY.
A command line is NOT a "native" Windows feature. It is a DOS
leftover, kept either by accident (I would guess not one SINGLE
person on Earth has read - let alone understood - /all/ the
hundreds of thousands, or millions, of a complete Windows OS
release code for at least 10 years, if EVER) or, by some miracle
(not unlike the one by which a few thinking people at MS have
given us TweakUI - BTW, is there a TweakUI for Win7, or is Win7
just too damn perfect to need it?) offered to the few who MS
knows are as aware as MS are that there are NO other ways of
achieving certain objectives in Windows besides the command line
or 3rd party utils., which is where this kind of started.