I should add, that, digressing a little from the thread, Vista introduced many desktop changes, in basic key clicks and navigation. This also gave them some nad publicity. Microsoft obviously (in their opinion) felt the changes were long overdue. Reading help pages indicates this very clearly. Those who migrated directly from XP to Windows 7, are posting up the same complaints, or queries, on "How do I...etc" as did new Windows Vista users a couple of years ago. The transition from Vista users to Windows 7 was much smoother.
Regarding my earlier mention of the volume of help requests. I have been absent from this site for e period of 24 hours, +/-. This morning, when I opened up, there were 134 "New posts". Not a single one was requesting any help with the OS. The same statistics can be approximately seen on other sites. Surely this is an indication of Windows 7 success?