Right, eeks. I am not sure what has happened over the last 48 hrs but i've started to get large numbers of BlueScreens. All my hardware is the same as listed at the beginning of this thread, and i've attached the last 4 minidumps.
If someone could analyse the dumps and find out what is causing these bluescreens and suggest how to rectify the situation I would greatly appreciate it. It always seems to be KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED or SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION and always in ntoskrnl.exe or win32k.sys.
I have ran an 8 hour cycle of tests on Prime95 to see if it was a memory or northbridge issue. It ran fine for that time. The only thing that seems to link these bluescreens is that I am usually surfing the net at the time. I think it might be a Flashplayer thing as it seems to be on sites with Flash adverts but that is at best a guess.
Help! It's driving me nuts!