Kenny said:
Will be getting BT fibre optic broadband this week.
One PC using Win 7 will be hard wired to BT Home Hub, another using XP
using 3Com USB Wireless G 54Mbps adapter.
Will there be any advantage upgrading to a Wireless N adapter, will file
transfer between the two PC's be quicker and will it speed up internet
access on the XP box?
Replies appreciated.
Char Jackson has covered most of the bases.
If you are buying new equipment then I'd always go for the latest (assuming
there isn't a big cost difference), but personally I'd be reluctant to
upgrade from G to N because unless you are copying lots of big files around
its unlikely you'd notice a difference.
Yes for file transfer between your two PCs it has the potential to be twice
as fast - but how often do you copy large files around?
No its unlikely to speed up internet access because your wireless G
(assuming you get a 54mbps connection on G) runs faster than BT's fibre
optic broadband (40mbps). That said if you don't get a 54mbps connection
across G at present then yes N has the potential to give you a faster
browsing experience. Now, if you were going for virginmedia's 100mbps cable
offering then yes you'd need N to be able to take advantage of it, but for
what BT is currently offering I think your G network should be adequate.
Reality check: If your wireless network ran at say 24mbps and assuming N
would give you a faster transfer rate, and given that BTs fibre optic
broadband can give you 40mbps (download), then given your browsing habits
how likely is it that you would notice the speed difference between 24mbps
(the limit of your wifi) and 40mbps (the limit of BT's fibre optic