Karen said:
I am not able to send mail using Windows Live Mail. I can receive
mail but not send. My message goes to the outbox and stays there.
I called my ISP and they told me to download a new version of Windows
Live Mail. There must be another way. I have the correct server
settings in place. Thanks.
Some mail setups, they use:
Incoming mail server (POP3): Enter your incoming mail server
Outgoing mail server (SMTP): Enter the outgoing mail server
mail.myispname.com (POP3) port 110 (unencrypted), port 995 (encrypted)
smtp.myispname.com (SMTP) outgoing port 25 ???
I don't know all the email standards - the ISP usually gives you some
info, like a list of well-known server names for your usage, and the
mail and smtp (simple mail transfer protocol) may have been mentioned there.
It's also possible to have a "black hole routing problem" on the outgoing
path. But with that, if you craft a very small email, like send "Hi!"
to your own email address, that will get through OK. It's larger messages
that get stuck in that case. If all mail, regardless of size gets stuck,
there's probably no smtp set up yet. And the email tool should pop up
some kind of dialog, rather than silently fail.