Windows Live Mail Question - sending mail


Karen F

I am not able to send mail using Windows Live Mail. I can receive mail
but not send. My message goes to the outbox and stays there. I called
my ISP and they told me to download a new version of Windows Live Mail.
There must be another way. I have the correct server settings in place.


I have the correct server settings in place
I rather doubt it!

What are you using as send and receive servers?

My ISP blocks common ports such as 25.
To get around it, and use microsoft's email send server (Pop3, etc.)
I have to use alternate ports, or use the ISP's send server.

Then there are the sign in protocols, settings, etc.
The fact that you can receive mail says one side of things are correct,
however the settings for sending may be quite different.

As to compatibility between versions, this may be an ISP issue.

Gene E. Bloch

I am not able to send mail using Windows Live Mail. I can receive mail
but not send. My message goes to the outbox and stays there. I called
my ISP and they told me to download a new version of Windows Live Mail.
There must be another way. I have the correct server settings in place.
It might not hurt to retry redoing those settings from scratch just in
case you have a hard to notice typo.

I was doing something the other day that required identical text in
several places, and it kept failing until I copied and pasted one of the
strings - yet they all looked identical when it was failing...

Or you might try downloading and setting up Thunderbird, since it's a
better program anyway. If there's an error in your setup, it will fail
there too, so it's a good test.


Karen said:
I am not able to send mail using Windows Live Mail. I can receive
mail but not send. My message goes to the outbox and stays there.
I called my ISP and they told me to download a new version of Windows
Live Mail. There must be another way. I have the correct server
settings in place. Thanks.
Some mail setups, they use:

Incoming mail server (POP3): Enter your incoming mail server
Outgoing mail server (SMTP): Enter the outgoing mail server (POP3) port 110 (unencrypted), port 995 (encrypted) (SMTP) outgoing port 25 ???

I don't know all the email standards - the ISP usually gives you some
info, like a list of well-known server names for your usage, and the
mail and smtp (simple mail transfer protocol) may have been mentioned there.

It's also possible to have a "black hole routing problem" on the outgoing
path. But with that, if you craft a very small email, like send "Hi!"
to your own email address, that will get through OK. It's larger messages
that get stuck in that case. If all mail, regardless of size gets stuck,
there's probably no smtp set up yet. And the email tool should pop up
some kind of dialog, rather than silently fail.



Some E-Mail clients by default try to use the same server/account info
for send and receive. One of the past thunderbird versions did this.
Another version was horrible to setup with my ISP.
With it, you were forced to use the ISP'S send server, unless you did
some really arcane things (the details I've largely forgotten).
Basically, you signed into the ISP's server, then used it to relay to
microsoft's server. Fortunately, Microsoft started allowing alternate
port use, and simplified some of the details.


Type of account:
ISP ( ?
Hotmail account ?

Protocol in use:
Pop3 ?
Http ?

Settings in use:
Pop3 server name and outgoing port # ?
Smtp server name and outgoing port # ?
Authentication enabled ?
SSL enabled for Pop3 or Smtp server or both ?
IMAP server names ?

Fyi...your version number (14.0.8089.726) of WLM 2009 is obsolete.
The latest build and version number of Windows Live Mail 2009 is 14.0.8117.0416 (released in May 2010)

Links to download the last/latest WLM 2009 (Windows Live Essentials 2009) directly from Microsoft's servers can be found here (Look
in the section titled 'Older Version (2009)'

msft mvp mail

"Karen F" wrote in message
I am not able to send mail using Windows Live Mail. I can receive mail
but not send. My message goes to the outbox and stays there. I called
my ISP and they told me to download a new version of Windows Live Mail.
There must be another way. I have the correct server settings in place.


Karen F said:
I am not able to send mail using Windows Live Mail. I can receive mail
but not send. My message goes to the outbox and stays there. I
called my ISP and they told me to download a new version of Windows Live
Mail. There must be another way. I have the correct server settings
in place. Thanks.
Hi Karen,

On the off chance that it's one of those blonde moments, it may be that your
send/receive sync schedule is set to a long time. Try going to Tools (menu
bar) > Options (menu) > Send (options panel) and check the "Send Messages
Immediately" checkbox.

Sometimes we overlook the obvious ;)


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