Windows cannot boot without my bootable external device

Oct 17, 2012
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Hi there!

Can anybody help me?
My Windows cannot boot any more even in safe mode. It would declare that there is no bootable device - insert disk and press any key. And then I tried to format my netbook and install windows through my bootable USB drive. I already installed my Windows 7 Professional in my netbook through my bootable USB drive and it worked I restart my netbook it won't boot up again and when I insert my flash drive again that is the time it would boot up. :(

What should I do? I cannot boot up without my bootable flash drive even if I already installed windows in my netbook. :'(

can anybody help me?
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^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
So if I read this correctly you do have W7 on a USB flash drive because that's how you installed it to your netbook? What happens when you run startup repair from the W7 "disk" on your flash drive?

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