I'm starting a new Windows 7 in my new Asus 1015PEM netbook. My Windows
7 isn't a candle to the Windows XP I was running in another machine,
which this one is supposed to replace. Namely, W7 here is *much* slower
and it's all muddled up with assorted software ads and reminders that
bang up on my screen when I'm trying to get the *xxx* thing just to
work. Is this frustrating circus natural to W7 or is it Asus just has
some bad ideas about what to put into one of their machines?
P.S. Those flat keys are no help at all keeping my hands in place for
the work. Used to be, keys were indented so you could feel where you
needed your hands to be. It would have cost Asus about $0 to get it
right, back when they were setting up production to make these machines.
So why did they blow it? ??
-- Martha Adams [2011 Jun 29]
7 isn't a candle to the Windows XP I was running in another machine,
which this one is supposed to replace. Namely, W7 here is *much* slower
and it's all muddled up with assorted software ads and reminders that
bang up on my screen when I'm trying to get the *xxx* thing just to
work. Is this frustrating circus natural to W7 or is it Asus just has
some bad ideas about what to put into one of their machines?
P.S. Those flat keys are no help at all keeping my hands in place for
the work. Used to be, keys were indented so you could feel where you
needed your hands to be. It would have cost Asus about $0 to get it
right, back when they were setting up production to make these machines.
So why did they blow it? ??
-- Martha Adams [2011 Jun 29]