Windows 7 - unique problem

Feb 12, 2010
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Im new here, as u can see! Im trying to fix, or at least detect my problem for quite some time now...

I have spend hours and hours googling my problem, but i didnt find single thread on the forums or article about problem like mine...

So, after many years of good service i decided to replace my xp with win7, witch i tried before (build 7000) and i was stunned! Win7 was finally (after vista) a great OS! In a few months of my testing of build 7000 i had no errors, no problems, its much faster than visra and xp and everything worked great!

So i decided to try the final version before i actually buy win7! And there starts my problem!
I installed wins, everything went fine... Windows booted fine and then after cca 30min windows simply froze! I cant move mouse, click, nothing but a restart on the case button!

After restart, same story again! Of course, my first guess was that i downloaded bad version of the wins, so i downloaded anther version, and then another, and then another...

I have tried cca 10 versions of win7 and every time i had a same problem!

So, the weirdest part is:
1. On win xp everything is working great, no freezing or any similar problem!
2. I have run memtest from dos over the night and i found no errors!
3. I have run disktest (tool to test hdd) from dos and i found no errors!
4. Like you could read above, i have used win7 build 7000 and everything worked fine!
5. And few of cca 10 versions win7 i have tried i got from my friends, and on their PC its working fine!

So plz, if anybody have a guess what could be a problem post it, im starting to be desperate! :(

P.S. My PC:
MB -> DFI Lan Party DK790F-M2RS
CPU -> AMD Athlon 64 x2 5000+
GPU -> ATI Sapphire HD 4830
RAM -> DDR2 3Gb


Sep 1, 2009
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Hi m4k4ve1iCRO and welcome to Windows 7 Forums
So i decided to try the final version before i actually buy win7
What version of Windows 7 are you running ?
Feb 12, 2010
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Hi m4k4ve1iCRO and welcome to Windows 7 Forums What version of Windows 7 are you running ?
Im currently running on xp cuz of that "freezing"!
I tried with Ultimate x32 / x64 and Professional x32 / x64! All of them gave me the "freeze"! :dontknow:
Feb 12, 2010
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Sounds as if you have a hardware incompatibility with the new windows 7 version.(Only Microsoft can bring out a release that is worse than a previous version and get away with it) :)


OCing one chip at a time
May 11, 2009
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M4k4ve, it is most likely to be a driver problem. Did you install all the latest hardware drivers for your system? (chipset, LAN, sound, etc) Did you check your device manager for any hardware issues?
Feb 12, 2010
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Hey, im sry, i was on trip so i couldent reply on posts here!

Maybe check out this thread .. You never know it could solve your problem.
Ill check it out!

M4k4ve, it is most likely to be a driver problem. Did you install all the latest hardware drivers for your system? (chipset, LAN, sound, etc) Did you check your device manager for any hardware issues?
I have install all the latest drivers, cuz every time i install fresh copy of wins i check 4 the latest drivers online!


Win 7/Linux Mint Lover
Nov 13, 2009
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Sounds as if you have a hardware incompatibility with the new windows 7 version.(Only Microsoft can bring out a release that is worse than a previous version and get away with it) :)
Windows 7 is not worse than Vista, in all honesty. If it was that bad, people would not be buying it due to negative press coverage. It runs best on modern systems, not on a computer built to run XP or Win 2K. These systems are best suited to run XP, or whatever they ran from the factory. There is an upgrade advisor that can be downloaded from the Microsoft Download Center, to advise you if Windows 7 is right for your system. It gives you detailed information as to what issues need attention before installing 7. It's not Microsoft's fault if you decide to run the OS without correcting your hardware issues first. That is the potential end user's responsibility.
Last edited:
Feb 12, 2010
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Windows 7 is not worse than Vista, in all honesty. If it was that bad, people would not be buying it due to negative press coverage. It runs best on modern systems, not on a computer built to run XP or Win 2K. These systems are best suited to run XP, or whatever they ran from the factory. There is an upgrade advisor that can be downloaded from the Microsoft Download Center, to advise you if Windows 7 is right for your system. It gives you detailed information as to what issues need attention before installing 7. It's not Microsoft's fault if you decide to run the OS without correcting your hardware issues first. That is the potential end user's responsibility.
I have run that test already and passed ofc!


Win 7/Linux Mint Lover
Nov 13, 2009
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I have run that test already and passed ofc!
Did you try out Kougar's suggestion to update your drivers? You didn't mention whether you did or not. It would be a great help to do so. What version of Windows came on the computer when it was new? I noticed some specs, but no brand or model of computer.


Quick Scotty, beam me up!
Oct 27, 2009
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I have install all the latest drivers, cuz every time i install fresh copy of wins i check 4 the latest drivers online!
Does that mean you download the latest drivers from the DFI website and AMD website?

Did you update your BIOS to the latest firmware?

Have you turned off "Cool N Quiet"?

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