I have to agree with you on that, the dual boot option. Because although I can run a VM, I can't possibly know every piece of software/hardware that will or won't run on it. I've heard some recent complaints, and I've been thanked for steering a couple in that direction. So, it's not a 100% deal from the start that your apps would work with VM software. I began using VM's, first out of being curious, then I seen where it may help some, and as the regulars here knows, I was pushing them like I was making a commission to do so. Finally, I burned out on them, I never needed them in the first place. Then came along a lady who was unsure of whether or not to install an AV in Windows Virtual PC w/XP Mode. There was a debate over the issue, I was telling her yes, someone else said no, I was insistent on my yes, but having no proof, I was basically instructed to back off. After all, I had no proof whatsoever.
I couldn't let it go at that, I knew that I was right, but how was I to prove it? I was running my OEM install of Windows 7 Home Premium at the time. So to help a fellow member and more importantly, prove a point to the member who kept saying I was wrong, there was 100% file sharing, I came off nearly $100 for a Windows Anytime Upgrade to Pro. Within 10 minutes, my computer was running Pro, within another hour, I had XP Mode going wide open. The first thing that popped up on XP Mode's screen: A warning that I didn't have anti-virus protection. My case was won at that very point. I PM'd the lady the results, and was promptly thanked by her. I PM'd the other member who kept saying I was wrong, I've never heard from or of him again.
Finally, XP Mode is a great app for those who can use it, and no good for those who can't. For those who don't need it, it's wasting your disc space, and causing unnecessary fragmentation. When I was running them, my disc was always at least 5% fragmented. On the other hand, there was recently a member who had a $3,500 printer, and XP Mode saved the day. So you can try it and see, but if it doesn't work, the old dual boot will. That works most every time.
Best of luck,