I read this looking up information about creating a Live CD disk because they can do much more then that. I'm not sure if any of you are familiar with the Geek Squad MRI disk.
It contains a list of diagnostic software, then also includes a VLC copy of windows vista for the LiveOS which has tools and scripts to help Geek Squad employees fix your computer (although they aren't real technicians since all thye do is point and click with a tool)
HOWEVER, I would like to make one, and there is a way to mount the registry as password reset tools and others (such as the Trinity Rescue Kit)
Also I wanted to create my own LiveCD using WinPE from the WAIK.
For system technicians, imagine a USB, this USB (we'll say an 8GB) has several memory, hardware debugging, harddrive diag, recovery software, etc. Plus a Windows Live environment where you can browse files on the hard drive easily, add/remove startup stuff (on the host machine)
I remember working on this lady's computer that she had set up for her kids, her kids are grown and old but she couldn't remember the password to get past the OS loading (the second the OS loaded it would lock out and require a password. What I ended up doing was popping in the MRI disk and then I was able to locate the startup registry entry from the application and was able to manually remove it from the system (deleting registry information and files) then ran a cleanup (pretty much an embedded ccleaner)
Pretty much what I'm saying is M$ added the ability to do this with the WAIK and they document step by step on how to accomplish it. What I know is I'm going to create a boot disk with several tools so I just keep it updated