Windows 7 freeze after start up

Mar 31, 2011
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Ok, I'm running windows 7 on bootcamp with mac. I guess heres some backstory, then I'll tell you the problem. So last night I was playing some games (league of legends) and there was no problems. It was a little laggy at the beginning of games, but the lag left a few minutes in, so its all good. Then today, I go to school in the morning, come back around 4, and later decide to play another game. As its beginning (this is maybe 5 min after I logged in) I am on the character select screen and it totally freezes. I thought it was just wicked lag, but nothing i did changed anything.

FInally, I was trying to quit the game and it wasn't working. I got the "this program is not responding, click here to end now" and I did that, and then that just froze. Then I tried to click on the start menu, and that froze. Finally, a box appeared that said "Microsoft Windows - This application is not responding, if you wait, it may start responding again. Do you want to end now?" I waited about 15 min, and it was still there. Everything inside my comp shut down, there was no fan, no nothing, it was silent. So i clicked end now, and it whirred a bit, then my desktop and task bar and everything disappeared, all that was there was the desktop image.

Nothing here works, so I am forced to reboot. Now, every time i start it up on the windows side, it freezes like that about 5 min in (or less). Ive tried not playing games, I've tried opening the internet, ive tried searching through offline stuff, I've tried just looking through documents, but no matter what, about 5 min in, everything freezes and i am forced to reboot. (reboot by holding the power button down, the shut down icon doesnt work)

So.... thats the story. Any ideas? The mac half of my comp still works fine.

EDIT:: Also, I am running 32 bit windows 7

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