I have a Dell 760 that originally came with Vista on it. I had a Windows7 Home Preimum that I upgraded to. Worked fine. Now my hard drive went bad and I ordered a used 500 gb off Ebay that had been wiped. Installed it and Windows 7 but it wont activate. I used the original COE#. So IL borrowed a copy of Vista from a friend and reinstalled it, still would not activate using COE# When loading was done it gave me a number to call Microsoft, which I did, they gave me some new numbers to enter to activate it. (they were a different series than regular coe# ) but when I looked on for activation it still did not show activated. I went ahead and installed my Windows Home edition again but still can't activate it. I found a old Dell same model at a thrift store for $20. I bought it and installed the hard drive and it has windows 7 on it and shows activated but the only problem is it has only 80Gb drive and is almost full. Is there a way I can take the activation from the 80 gb and reinstall it on my 500 gb hard drive? Or is there a number I can call microsoft and reactivate it?