Windows 7 64 DLL/OCX from sytem32

Feb 4, 2011
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Hey all,

I am struggeling with an win 32 app where some dropdown boxes does not show up. The application seem to be written in Visual C++ and that there are DLL or OCX that are not properly registrered or something. Have all the Visuall C++ redistributale installed from 2005 to 2010. I have debugged the app, and it seems like all the DLL's needed is installed on the computer. But there are something that confuses me...

I thought that on Win 64 system 32 bits DLL should go to C:\Windows\SysWOW64, however from the process explorer I find that many of the runtime libraries opens from the system32 directory. From the debug program I find that one of the needed DLL's (Module C:\Windows\system32\profapi.dll) gives the error ' Invalid or compressed Image Export Directory'. So I wan't I want is to unregister the one under the system32 dir and reregister the one under syswow64. But this api is loaded from both places, by system-depended processs like explorer mm. The regsrv32 command gives me:
"The module "profapi.dll" was loaded but the entry-pont DLLUnregisterServer was not found"
Guess this comes up since the dll is in use.
So the question is a) Should the win 32 dll be loaded from both locations, b) if not, how do I clean up this mess?

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