Windows 64 Pro from Ultimate?


Dec 4, 2009
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I originally tried Ultimate, fully configured and all programs installed now.
But I don't need it. I checked and Professional is what I want. Much cheaper, especially since Wifey is a teacher.
Is there a way to migrate to a new hard drive with all my old settings and programs intact or is Microsoft just not that friendly?


Win 7/Linux Mint Lover
Nov 13, 2009
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A lot of people doesn't want Ultimate for some reason. There's more Windows 7 Ultimate versions (both 32 & 64 bit) in the online sites for sale than all other Windows 7 versions put together. XP Pro costs more than many of these do (the full, legal version, not OEM). It's hard to say what Microsoft would do for you, although they do want every customer they can get and retain. They may cut you some slack, call them and see.


Quick Scotty, beam me up!
Oct 27, 2009
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The vast majority of Windows users don't need all the features that the Ultimate/Enterprise editions offer. I think the reason most get Ultimate is because of it's name, period. "ULTIMATE" the best, greatest, superb, stupendous, exciting, whatever. Actually to be honest, most users would be satisfied with Home Premium.

Pricing wise there is not that big of a difference between the Professional and Ultimate editions. $40 for the OEM verisons, $17.50 for the Full retail versions, and
$15 for the Upgrade versions. These prices are the current ones at Newegg today.

There is an even mix of the product line both at Newegg and Amazon. Probably two of the bigger e-tailers on the web.

I like to compare it to the great dreadnought battleships of the early 1900's when the major naval powers were trying to out build the other countries in ship size, tonnage and gun size. It's kinda like, "my thing is bigger than your thing".

I feel its a great marketing ploy by MS because the name Ultimate appeals to the ego-centric area of purchasing decisions.

I personally use the Pro version because it has what I want and saved me money in the long run.

This all my opinion naturally, however I would like to see a breakdown of the sales numbers of each edition. Most of the pre-installed systems from Dell, HP, Lenovo, Acer, etc., are the Home Premium edition.


Win 7/Linux Mint Lover
Nov 13, 2009
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Windows 7 Home Premium is the best seller out of the bunch, followed by Professional. This was by design. Look in the stores, look in the ads, it's always Home Premium. If you find Professional preinstalled in a retail store, it will be an expensive computer (mainly for business). Most people simply don't need Pro, it's not like XP, where Pro was (and still is) in demand. I have Windows 7 Pro on my last remaining laptop, to me, there's no difference. I seldom use it anymore.


Dec 4, 2009
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I appreciate the comments.
Any chance of some answers? I have the Win 7 Pro from student buy program and it is MUCH cheaper than Ultimate which does not have a student pricing.

Now I need to get my Ultimate re-done with Pro. Is there a way to do this without losing my weeks of work getting Win 7 to play nicely with my hardware and software? I want to keep my settings and programs.


Quick Scotty, beam me up!
Oct 27, 2009
Reaction score
I don't think you can do it as an upgrade, since basically you're downgrading the edition.

More than likely you'll have to do a clean install. MS has a programs transfer application that may help you with this.
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