Win 7 Won't Boot

Apr 13, 2012
Reaction score
Hi there

I have this laptop Its a DELL vostro 1720 that won't BOOT in to windows any more. this laptop used to work absolutly fine untill a couple of weeks ago. (The user assures me that they did nothing to it).

so what happens is its goed through the motions as normal but when it gets to the bit where is says 'Starting Windows' it stops and does nothing. I don't even get the flashy bit with windows spinning round!!

I have a had a good root around and there are two partiotions. The recovery partition (Which is C:!!??) and the OS partition (which is D:!!??). whilst playing i got hold of the install disk and got in to dos on the system repair and that bought up another partition labeled X:(What is X:\).

Is my HD broken?? ive got a nagging feeling its not the HD but someother issue. can any one offer any advise.

I have been through the CHKDSK twice!!

Hope someone can help :(



Oct 17, 2008
Reaction score
Hi and welcome to the forums :).

Out of interest, have you tried booting in to safe mode to see if that works? Did you try startup repair ( and did that do anything?

Finally - is there anything on the laptop you need, or would you be happy with a clean install?
Apr 13, 2012
Reaction score
Hi Ian

Thanks For your reply.

sadly it won't boot in to safe mode, I get the booting in to safe mode screen where you have the 'Loading Windows files' header and the it just says please wait at the bottom with no response. ive tried startup repair, I just get the normal 'windows could not fix this problem'.
Tbh Im at the stage where im ready to say ok the HD is broken time to get a new one. but im the never give up sort so ive tried quite a lot.


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