SOLVED Win 7 Ultimate 32-Bit crashes with Google Light.

Aug 23, 2012
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I use Win7 Ultimate 32 bits and recently my Google Light was updated on 21/07/21. When I open Google after a while my computer crashes and my mouse becomes dead. Lines appearing on the screen. I tried to uninstall it from CP but it says close all the programmes, which I did. Still it says close all the programmes. Do I need to take off programmes such as Skype even if I had not opened yet?
Would re-installing Google Light from Internet solve the problem?


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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I do not know what "Google Light" is. And the only result I find for "Google Lite" is for an Android device.

Your best option is probably to try a system restore to before July 21st if you have restore files prior to that date. Go to the Start menu and Search for SYSTEM RESTORE. Run it and check the box to "show more recovery points"; if you can find one before the update you said happened July 21st then restore you system to that pre-update time. Then be sure to set Google Light to NOT update.

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