Win 7 & Firefox

Sep 27, 2010
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I loaded up Win 8, did a "refresh" and lost all my programs. I'm in the process of rebuilding after a fresh install of Win 7. I have MS Security Essentials, Office 365, Spybot, CCleaner, Photoscape, Adobe Reader and a bunch of Windows stuff. Tried IE, hated it, so I run Firefox.

As many of you might know, I have a hobby website for tabletop gaming in Word Press (lost the login though), a publishing business and a site for a hope-to-be gaming convention. I've also built my fiance's dog training website ( can't seem to get a short link). I work with images (PITA), layout, editing, webmastering and writing (my preferred occupation).

I was looking at the list in free software and it all hurts my head. What programs should I be installing on my machine from hell?

Incidentally, I've inquired into SiteSell, hoping to get some guidance and ease my onerous webmastering duties. I know just enough to be dangerous!
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Been doing a lot of reading. Don't think "cloud" computing is for me. Gone back to Firefox. I have Outlook to check my emails so Google is pretty much out of the picture for me except for their merchant tools. Still trying to get a handle on those.

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