Why is microsoft so foolish as to use ....

Nov 10, 2012
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Why is microsoft so foolish as to use 3rd party software in their products.
Really Zugo Ltd for Bing's toolbar. Did some skimp on the cheap meter at the cost of confusing and angering its clients.

If my add/programs said Bing or Microsoft instead some stupid unknown 3rd party
I might not remove my bing toolbar but the fools of microsoft have no common sense


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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I don't believe that is from Microsoft. I think your browser was hijacked by the Bing.Zugo toolbar. See HERE.


Post Quinquagenarian
Microsoft MVP
Apr 7, 2010
Reaction score
I might not remove my bing toolbar but the fools of microsoft have no common sense
I am afraid they were not the foolish ones. As TrainableMan noted, your system has been compromised and that only happens when the user does (or does not do) something allowing a badguy access.

You need to ensure you are using a good anti-malware solution and keep it updated. I use MSE. You must ensure you keep Windows updated and patched too. You must use a software based firewall and the basic Windows Firewall is fine for that.

And finally you, the user, and always the weakest link, must ensure you ALWAYS install any program using the Custom install option so you can opt-out of any add-ons, toolbars or other junk you don't need or don't want foisted on your machines. You must not click on unsolicited links, downloads, or attachments. And you must avoid risky behavior, like participating in filesharing of copyrighted materials via torrents or P2P sites.

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