SOLVED Which is better Advanced Uninstaller Pro or Revo-Unstaller Pro for Windows 7 x64 ?

May 7, 2010
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Which uninstaller is better Advanced Uninstaller Pro or Revo-Uninstaller Pro ? Any input on this one's appreciated. It will help me decide on if I'm renewing Revo-Uninstaller Pro in August or switching to Advanced Uninstaller Pro in it's place.
May 7, 2010
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I'll try both of them. When I switched to 64 bit Vista, back prior to building this pc, I had to switch from Revo-Uninstaller free to the Pro version. The free version only works on removing 32 bit software, not 64 bit.


Win 7/Linux Mint Lover
Nov 13, 2009
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MyUninstaller is a really good program, it doesn't have to be installed to do it's job. I save a copy in my docs for quick access, along with the portable SIW, which my AV doesn't flag like the installed version does.

I use Revo Uninstaller Pro (the 30 day trial) when reinstalling from the recovery partition or when I buy a new computer. It completely removes all traces of unwanted apps. The user can control the aggressiveness of it's trace cleaning.

However, if one doesn't want to take the chance of screwing up the registry (this can happen, the user must be careful in what's being deleted), either MyUninstaller or the uninstaller within CCleaner does a good job.



Quick Scotty, beam me up!
Oct 27, 2009
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Hey Cat! According to your Computer Specs, it shows that you have all your new hardware and such. So you completed your build? If so, how did it go? Just curious... sorry to go off topic here.


Quick Scotty, beam me up!
Oct 27, 2009
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Well, this is interesting!! MyUninstaller is really nothing more than another way to uninstall a program using the original software's uninstall program and nothing more. It does NOT remove registry traces and such. One might as well use the Programs and Features section of Control Panel.

From their website:
Important Notice

When you uninstall a software, MyUninstaller utility is not directly responsible to the uninstall process. MyUninstaller simply run the uninstall module provided by the software that you want to uninstall. So, if from some reason the uninstall process fails, you should contact the author of the software that you want to uninstall, not to the author of MyUninstaller.
No wonder it's free! :rolleyes:

You guys use the free stuff, I'll stick with the best: Your Uninstaller! Pro. :cool:
May 7, 2010
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Hey Nibs when I go to purchase Your Uninstaller the page freezes in both IE 9 and Firefox 4.01. My pc doesn't have any malware according to MSE, Malwarebytes free (new version released 1-2 days ago) and SUPERAntiSpyware (new version released last week). I wonder if Web Of Trust (W.O.T.) or McAfee SiteAdvisor Plus is the cause of the issue.
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Win 7/Linux Mint Lover
Nov 13, 2009
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Hey Cat! According to your Computer Specs, it shows that you have all your new hardware and such. So you completed your build? If so, how did it go? Just curious... sorry to go off topic here.
When I got my notebook, being that it's the better of my 2 computers, I changed the specs to that one, a couple of days after it arrived.

As far as my next one, I'm still saving. If I could get around better, I'd be picking up beer & soda cans & putting that towards it.:D

I was going to sell this one, but not for the prices they're going for ($300 tops). Times are bad, one can buy a brand new Dell Core2Duo w/Win 7 Pro 32 bit for a little over $400. All that's needed is a monitor & ISP, and a 64 bit OS disc to clean install it with.

No one is going to pay out much for mine, I've turned it into a playtoy. It's running XP Pro 64 bit now, in IDE mode. I'll reinstall 7 in a day or two, this install was one PITA.

Revo Uninstaller helped me to get the trial & error crap off of here during the install. That recent ATI Catalyst update/patch that was posted screwed the screen up bad. Fortunately, I had the presence of mind to create a restore point prior to installing it.

EDIT: It wasn't that the patch was bad, I had to find a Video Controller (VGA Compatible) for the install. After playing with it, the screen looks decent now.

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Microsoft MVP
Jul 20, 2009
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"No wonder it's free! :rolleyes:

You guys use the free stuff, I'll stick with the best: Your Uninstaller! Pro. :cool:"

LOL. The nail on the head again, Nibs . I am constantly involved in dealing with other peoples software. In my environment, I have found that a great number of the "free" third party programs and add-ons, are merely linking to, and useing, features already in Windows.


Win 7/Linux Mint Lover
Nov 13, 2009
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Revo Uninstaller Pro isn't free. It's a paid app with a 30 day trial.

Whatever I need to setup a new install, be it an uninstaller, defrag tool or whatever, I use the trial versions of paid programs to do the job, and leave it there until it's deactivated. I never pay for these apps.

Revo Uninstaller PRO is NOT Free!

May 7, 2010
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Just purchased Your Uninstaller Pro using Opera. The websit won't redirect correctly in IE9 or FF 4.01. HIS IceQ X Turbo X HD 6950 2.0 on the way from Newegg.


Microsoft MVP
Jul 20, 2009
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Just to toss a contention into the thrtead!!!
What do the posters find wrong with the Built in uninstaller. I am aware that it sometimes leaves a little residue in the registry. I manually clean out the two software secrtions. The remainder (if there should be any) uses no resources and interferes in no way with m,y operations.
May 7, 2010
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We use them basically because the software's uninstallers stink and the Control Panel's Uninstaller in any version of Window'sreally isn't any better.


Quick Scotty, beam me up!
Oct 27, 2009
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What do the posters find wrong with the Built in uninstaller. I am aware that it sometimes leaves a little residue in the registry
To be honest, in the past I have had some issues with some programs, not all, leaving folders and a bunch of registry traces behind.

It's me being a little bit O.C.D. also... but not nearly as much as Cat! LOL! :D


Quick Scotty, beam me up!
Oct 27, 2009
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The websit won't redirect correctly in IE9 or FF 4.01.
Wow that's weird! I have had issues with FF 4.01 too, mostly with a website I need to access for my job, the site HotSchedules has a messaging feature so I may leave messages for the management team I work with. FF 4.01 will not allow me to message at all, but IE 9 or FF 3.6.17 will.

I use this feature to make sure my Front of House people do what they're supposed to get done on the evening shifts.
Jul 17, 2010
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Well, this is interesting!! MyUninstaller is really nothing more than another way to uninstall a program using the original software's uninstall program and nothing more. It does NOT remove registry traces and such. One might as well use the Programs and Features section of Control Panel.

From their website:

No wonder it's free! :rolleyes:

You guys use the free stuff, I'll stick with the best: Your Uninstaller! Pro. :cool:
Why am I not surprised to see your reaction to my post about a decent free program.

Some of us are not in the habit of dropping $$$ on every little "this is the absolute greatest program for... (insert newest fad product name here)" software that's available.

Most of us don't have that kind of extra money lying around to squander on any program that suits our current whim. If you do, more power to you. Buy as much as you can. Keep those companies in business.
May 7, 2010
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Nibs. Thanks for recommending My Uninstaller Pro. I like it alot better than Revo-Uninstaller Pro. Are the other portions of it as good as the uninstaller portion ? I'm taling about the Startup Manager, Disk Cleaner, Trace Eraser and File Shredder. I assume the Start Menu and Windows Tools just open up Windows 7 tool's for both.


Quick Scotty, beam me up!
Oct 27, 2009
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Why am I not surprised to see your reaction to my post about a decent free program.

Some of us are not in the habit of dropping $$$ on every little "this is the absolute greatest program for... (insert newest fad product name here)" software that's available.

Most of us don't have that kind of extra money lying around to squander on any program that suits our current whim. If you do, more power to you. Buy as much as you can. Keep those companies in business.
First of all my reaction wasn't directed toward you personally. If that's how you see it, then you have issues that need to be dealt with. I was talking about the program itself and all I did was do a simple check on their website and discovered their disclaimer that they posted. So I posted it for this forum's thread we're in here.

Second, I don't "waste" money on every piece of software I see, try or experiment with. Many times I'll use it for as long as the trial period allows. Sometimes, since I have several email addresses, I exhaust those too to extend the trials in order to get a better understanding of the programs I fiddle around with. I also read reviews from various respected websites and then make what I consider to be a fairly sound judgment after comparing all the reviews, comments and feedback.

Third, I am a respected member of several Windows 7 forum websites and have been ever since Windows 7 came out. I consult with other respected members of these forums and we compare notes and suggestions on the various software we try out. So what I state is certainly not coming out of the posterior region of my anatomy. However, it is my humble opinion. :D

Yes, I am opinionated and strong-willed and sometimes I come across being gruff and obstinate. One thing sir, and this is long standing trait I have (some would say "character flaw") is that I don't suffer fools gladly!

To: brkkab123 -
Are the other portions of it as good as the uninstaller portion ? I'm taling about the Startup Manager, Disk Cleaner, Trace Eraser and File Shredder. I assume the Start Menu and Windows Tools just open up Windows 7 tool's for both.
Yes the other portions are very good too. I don't mess with the Startup Manager as that's just a personal preference of mine. The Disk Cleaner and Trace Eraser do very good and thorough jobs along with the File Shredder although it is very similar to CCleaner but doesn't give you the option of high-end shredding such as D.O.D wiping and Guttman protocols.

The Start Menu and Windows 7 Tools just give you quick access, as you stated, to those features without having to go through a "mouse click-a-thon" in order to get to them.

I'm glad you like the program and Thanks for the comments, they're appreciated!

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