Steve said:
One of the things I dislike about Windows 7 is that it hides files and one can
waste a lot of time trying to find them.
The latest one that it has done this to is an update to Acronis.
I downloaded it yesterday, all 250 or so megabytes of it, and i can't find the
file. I can find the download of the previous version in the C:\Download
directory, where, if I remember correctly I asked it to put downloaded files.
When I run Acronis, it tells me there is an updated version ready to install,
but I cannot find the file.
Any hints about where I could look?
I can get the Windows "dir" command to make a nice file list, but it doesn't
list file sizes. Run from an elevated command prompt (cmd.exe , then "Run as Administrator").
dir /B /S/ c:\ > output.txt
Maybe there is some way to get file sizes with another option, but I gave up on it.
At the very least, it seems to be able to list things just below c: (with the
conspicuous exception of C:\System Volume Information).
The other tools for listing a disk, is the Sysinternals "contig" program. This is a
side effect of the program, rather than it's main purpose. Note that the 2011 version
was butchered to remove this capability, so we have to download an old copy. I tested
a 2006, a 2008, and a 2011 version, and the 2006 and 2008 ones were OK.*/
Same deal, open a Command Prompt window, and run something like this:
contig -v -a -s c:\ > output2.txt
On my laptop, that produced a 44MB output2.txt file, to be opened with
a text editor.
This is the output format from contig. Not very useful, unless data mined programmatically.
Processing c:\\Windows\winsxs\x86_wwf-system.workflow.activities_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.17514_none_346d5ccdd640c664\System.Workflow.Activities.dll:
Scanning file...
File size: 1142784 bytes
c:\\Windows\winsxs\x86_wwf-system.workflow.activities_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.17514_none_346d5ccdd640c664\System.Workflow.Activities.dll is in 1 fragment
It gives a file path and a file size, and if you're desperate enough,
maybe that's enough.