Weird Internet Issue

Apr 6, 2015
Reaction score
Hello you wonderful people! Let me just cut right to it, my internet connectivity on my laptop has been a bit wonky to say the least. Every time I try to open up Google Chrome, Firefox, Skype or even Internet Explorer, it insta-crashes and asks if I want to re-launch. If I do that, it just keeps insta-crashing in a vicious, seemingly never-ending cycle. But what's weird is that internet-reliant games such as Hearthstone, Smite and Steam games all work just fine. Chrome, Firefox, Skype and IE were working perfectly fine yesterday, they just seized up when I came back to my mom's house (where they worked just fine every week before this one). There were no changes to the firewall, and the internet has no lag on any of the games, which normally there is some, so it's weird. I've shut down and restarted my computer, i've run all the related options in the f8 menu at start-up, and I don't believe there is a virus, as I didn't use the computer all too much before and everything else works fine. I would tell you the specs, but I don't know them off the top of my head and I had to use one of the computers here to be able to get this question out. Best I remember is Windows 7 and 32-bit. Any ideas how to fix this?


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
First, what you mention is probably not an internet issue. It could be a driver issue, such as maybe your NIC (or LAN if wired) driver.

If you have automatic updates then your drivers may have been updated. Or it could be another common windows program that got updated. ...

Try a system restore (type System Restore in the W7 Start search bar) to a restore point prior to the issue. If it works again then it is probably something that was updated.
Apr 6, 2015
Reaction score
First, what you mention is probably not an internet issue. It could be a driver issue, such as maybe your NIC (or LAN if wired) driver.

If you have automatic updates then your drivers may have been updated. Or it could be another common windows program that got updated. ...

Try a system restore (type System Restore in the W7 Start search bar) to a restore point prior to the issue. If it works again then it is probably something that was updated.

None of my drivers have been updated. I tried to do the system restore as you suggested, but my computer doesn't have any restore points for some reason. I made a new one now to prevent further issues, but i'm lost. I went to other forums, but they told me to download scans that i can't download because I can't get any browser to work. Am I screwed now? :(


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
You could always use another computer and try downloading the latest network drivers to a USB flash drive, then install the driver to the problem computer.
Apr 6, 2015
Reaction score
You could always use another computer and try downloading the latest network drivers to a USB flash drive, then install the driver to the problem computer.
Would I be able to do that flashdrive trick if the only other computers I have available to me don't allow me to install new software without an administrators consent, and if not, is there a different way to go about it if it somehow turns out not to be a driver problem? You've been helpful so far, you should be promoted to a Sr. Mod or something.


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
As long as the other computers allow you to write to a flash drive, then yes. All you are doing is downloading a file to the flash drive. You don't actually have to run it till you get it in your computer.
Apr 6, 2015
Reaction score
As long as the other computers allow you to write to a flash drive, then yes. All you are doing is downloading a file to the flash drive. You don't actually have to run it till you get it in your computer.
Okay, i'll try that when I get a chance. Thanks!

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