I have ImageShack, but, that's just because with Photobucket there are certain things you can't do. For instance, if you have a large PNG image, Photobucket idiodically makes it a lot smaller during upload. Figured ImageShack doesn't do that so that's why I have an ImageShack account, but I mainly use Photobucket since I started using it first.
Well, I figured what I can do for my Photobucket issue, was download the entire albums as ZIP files (the Photobucket album page allows you to do that) and then, extract those pictures onto the Desktop. Then, using the bulk uploader, you can select all those images and upload them into your new album. Process is a son of a gun though, for some weird reason, the number of files uploaded (out of 635 for my biggest album, which I'm currently uploading to my new account) only increases when I'M VIEWING THE TAB, wtf? That doesn't even make any sense...that should have no relvance to how fast it's uploading the stuff...but whatever. I have two windows open now viewable on my screen, side by side if that helps...there's also the chance there were just some huge image files that were being uploaded when I wasn't looking, and was the reason it looked like it wasn't uploading when I wasn't looking...
Either way, apparently some images it has refused to upload...saying "image not available" (when I know it is) and for this one video it says it has copyrighted material, lulz to the max. So basically I was able to upload this video 3-4 years ago and not now? And what copyrighted material exactly? It's an AMV from like 2004...meh.
And because of this, I'm thinking of just not going through with it...I guess I can just keep those accounts and forget about migrating the albums.
*Gasp* Well...it all of a sudden went from 150 uploaded pictures to 400...lmao...guess it just updated the "real" count.
Hopefully there aren't a lot of ommitted pictures though, because if it's just a few which I'm hoping it will be, I can just try and reupload them one by one.