So I started to boot my system and it blue screened, accusing mrtrate.sys as
the (possible culprit). I really could not find much information about this
and I really did not have the time or the patience to research the crash.
It was 6 in the morning and I had to go to work.
But! TGFB (Thank Goodness for Backups). For the past 4 years or so, I've
been using Symantec Ghost (v10 with my XP system and v15 with my Win7
systems). Ghost starts off by creating a full system backup and then
differentials after that until the next cycle begins.
In my case, I booted from the Ghost CD and performed a full restore from the
last full and then the differentials stored on an external USB drive, and
2.5 hours later, my system is back. The bootable CD allowed me, with a
Command Line prompt, to copy any files created after my last backup, to a
USB drive before the restore.
My advise, if you have a backup solution, make sure you can restore from it
with as little intervention or pain as possible.
I am also a customer of Carbonite just in case my system and backup fail.
Any tails of trials and tribualtions pertaining to recovering a failed
the (possible culprit). I really could not find much information about this
and I really did not have the time or the patience to research the crash.
It was 6 in the morning and I had to go to work.
But! TGFB (Thank Goodness for Backups). For the past 4 years or so, I've
been using Symantec Ghost (v10 with my XP system and v15 with my Win7
systems). Ghost starts off by creating a full system backup and then
differentials after that until the next cycle begins.
In my case, I booted from the Ghost CD and performed a full restore from the
last full and then the differentials stored on an external USB drive, and
2.5 hours later, my system is back. The bootable CD allowed me, with a
Command Line prompt, to copy any files created after my last backup, to a
USB drive before the restore.
My advise, if you have a backup solution, make sure you can restore from it
with as little intervention or pain as possible.
I am also a customer of Carbonite just in case my system and backup fail.
Any tails of trials and tribualtions pertaining to recovering a failed