Mr Snoot
Multi-boot XPPROSP3, XPSP364BIT, Windows 764BIT. 7 is on an 120GB SSD RAID0
array all by itself. XP OSs are on seperate partitions on a conventional, 4
drive RAID0 array. MB BIOS, ICH9R, SSD Firmware are all the latest.
System/RAID drivers are Intel's latest batch.
Every once in a while when booting into XP (I only use Windows 7 for the
media center because thats all its good for), checkdsk runs on the SSD array
and then I have to boot 7, let chckdsk run, then everything is ok for a
while. Chkdsk never finds any problem.
Hardware is fairly recent stuff, 775w thermaltake PS, 8GBs DDR31600MHz ram
at 1688MHz 7.1v, X48 chipset, Q9550 CPU at 3.6GHz, 1.41V Had some stability
issues getting a stable Overclock but everything is stress tested and stable
except for that checkdsk thing
array all by itself. XP OSs are on seperate partitions on a conventional, 4
drive RAID0 array. MB BIOS, ICH9R, SSD Firmware are all the latest.
System/RAID drivers are Intel's latest batch.
Every once in a while when booting into XP (I only use Windows 7 for the
media center because thats all its good for), checkdsk runs on the SSD array
and then I have to boot 7, let chckdsk run, then everything is ok for a
while. Chkdsk never finds any problem.
Hardware is fairly recent stuff, 775w thermaltake PS, 8GBs DDR31600MHz ram
at 1688MHz 7.1v, X48 chipset, Q9550 CPU at 3.6GHz, 1.41V Had some stability
issues getting a stable Overclock but everything is stress tested and stable
except for that checkdsk thing