Just to tidy up this thread I want to pass on that I have managed to resolve this issue by perusing contributions by other people to this problem in various other locations. I tried nearly all the suggestions but what eventually worked for me was this: Open regedit.exe by writing ...regedit ...in Search programs and files in Start Menu. The new window gives you the registry. Then open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, then... SYSTEM, then... CurrentControlSet, then... Control, then...Session Manager, then... Memory Management. Click on Memory Management once and you get a row of different files in the right hand panel. From these pick ClearPageFileAtShutdown (the second one in my computer), by clicking it once (it will highlight). Then double-click the highlighted file and you will get a small window called Edit DWord (32-bit) Value. In this window you will se a highlighted number. Change it to 0 , if the number is 1, and then click OK. This small adjustment worked like a treat for me and the computer shuts down again in 10-15 seconds.