Search and Move based on Results CMD Prompt

Mar 15, 2013
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Hi all,

This post is out of optimistism more than anything else, I am currently using cmd line scripts to organize my files (I want to get them organized for a NAS BOX). I have alot of videos and wish to rename them. This aspect is fine hpfully I will use REN. My question is once I have the naming convention and all my files are nrenamed, can i then write a script that will allow me to search the file names and move to corresponding folders based on those results?

EG. 204 - my file name.avi (south park season 2)
I would want to move this to a folder named "South Park -Season 2". (along with all the other episodes and then do the same for additional seasons, for eg.)

Thanks for any advice.


Post Quinquagenarian
Microsoft MVP
Apr 7, 2010
Reaction score
Yes, you can do this, but is seems like a lot of work to write a script for what will likely be a one time event.

Why not just move them all to the NAS, then use Windows explorer to drag and drop into respective folders?


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
I have to agree with Digerati. I'm sure it would be possible to write batch files but I belive it would take considerably longer than using renaming software and Windows Explorer.

For renaming files I highly recommend the versatile freeware utility Wild Rename.

After that use Windows Explorer to create folders and simply drag & drop into them.

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