And to prove the "top poster"evidence...
I've also always preferred to see the most recent comment, and work my way
back if I need to. I once designed a complete customer care system, and the
conversations with the customer were always displayed in reverse
chronological sequence so the customer care person immediately knew what the
last conversation with the customer had been.
I prefer to be a "top poster" since that's where my email client starts me,
and puts the line that says who the response is from (and yours, also). I
guess I'm doomed to give the offending program permission every time I use
it - not really a big deal. Thanks anyway.
Doesn't that box have a check mark for "Always allow this program" - or
the opposite? Check (or uncheck) it as appropriate. I waffled because I
forgot whether it says "Always ask..." or "Always allow..."
Caveat: I have had programs ignore that setting :-(
You managed to put your answer under my sig file, so it got hidden by
my newsreader. I did find it, however.
You didn't actually say that your box had no checkbox, that's why I