Per (PeteCresswell):
"Failure configuring WIndows updates.
Reverting changes.
Do not turn off...."
Seems tb back to normal.
Apparently-normal boot, but when I shut down and re-started again
it went back to the original state. Left it overnite, but it
was still there in the morning.
Tried rebooting to "Safe" mode again, got
"Failure configuring WIndows updates.
Reverting changes...."
and then it re-booted on it's own again, finally arriving at what
looks like a normal Windows desktop.
Did yet another shutdown followed by a start, got a rather long
"Welcome" splash, but then it went to a normal desktop.
Went to do a Start | Shutdown | Restart and AnVir popped "58 new
startup items found!". I guess that was an artifact of some
industrial-strength messing about with the registry...
Then Windows threw "Install updates and shut down"...
"Uhhhh... I don't *think* so.....".
Not being a total masochist, I changed the selection to "Shut
Down" and then took an image of the system after the subsequent
Then I went re-booted, and went back to accept the dreaded
"Install updates and shut down", which put me back to the
original "Please do not power off or unplug your machine.
Installing update 1 of 13".
Let it run it's course and the machine did shut down - apparently
normally bc the "Shutting Down" splash appeared and shortly
thereafter, power cut. This would be the second iteration of
this sequence of events.
Next reboot saw a repeat of "Applying.... of 5,404..." (which I
did not mention on one of the previous go-arounds), followed by
the same-old-same-old "Preparing to configure Windows. Do not
turn off your computer."
Oh well... At least now I have an image that will boot, and if
I re-image from it, the PC sb useful long as I don't apply any
Sheesh! Heaven forbid I should need this laptop for to do my