On MMO's/RPGs etc.
Regarding MMO's/FPS etc.
My personal favorite is Dungeons and Dragons .
For me its got the "right mix" unlike WoW or Guildwars (which I have played both). You DON'T have to fight against other players.
Its almost totally Player Vs. environment. You Can if you choose go into arenas. As well as pay a monthly or yearly VIP membership OR you can do a "pay as you go" to get in game perks.
You can also form guilds and such. But you ARE NOT fighting against other players. And even if you do in the arenas .. you don't lose levels.
For those of you that know of D&D from Pen and paper game ,, you might like it .
I have been a member (VIP/free top play/ premium) for quite a few years, and me and my friend in Alabama play almost every other day.
It has its "bugs" but they are bearable and USUALLY (depending on the bug) fixed pretty quickly they do updates
at least once a month to the main program and the game world itself. . The download is quite large(unfortunately) and is available on Steam and with Pando Downloader. You DON'T have to use either of the interfaces to play the game.
If any one happens to want to play I'm on Gahlanda server under the same name I have here, as well as another character that I use as a "mule" (low lever character for banking) which is not actively used unless i need to
For anyone interested..
http://www.ddo.com in the upper right hand corner you can click you "nation" language of choice and then shortly down from that there will be a button to click that says " Ready to jump into the action?" Play for free now" and it will take you to the download page.
It really is a good game, or else i would not have been a member as long as I have been . (close to 4 years )
You can use mouse and keyboard controls and have a variety of the original classes and races from the original D&D world. I'm always willing to help out new players either on my main character or my "mule" character. if you choose to join, look me up on the game .