Pin items to taskbar

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Microsoft MVP
Jul 20, 2009
Reaction score
How to Pin Special Windows Items to the Taskbar
  • Open Windows Explorer. On the left side of the window, you can see Libraries, Computer and Network. You can pin any of them or infants, or individual programs which do not have the “pin to taskbar” option, (Movies: Music Files etc..), to the taskbar, but it will require a little work. Basically, the idea is to make a shortcut to a shortcut, and pin that. Some users might find the concept mind boggling, so here is a little walk-through.
  • First create shortcuts for them, by dragging and dropping from Windows Explorer to the desktop.
Note that you will not be able to do this with the “favorites”, as they already have shortcuts, which you can drag individually to the desktop. Do this for all the items that you want to pin to the taskbar, including individual files with extensions which do not have a “Pin to Taskbar” option in the drop down menu.
3. Now you must create a new folder on your desktop. Right click on an empty space on the desktop, click on “New” and then on “Folder”. Give it a name which will have some meaning at this stage, and for future use. (Task Bar Links?) Move all the items that you want to pin to the taskbar to the new folder and move the folder to a location where it is not going to be deleted. I moved mine to the root, where it was eventually backed up with an image. But, for safety, maybe you have a more protected place.
4. Open the folder, right-click on the first item that you want to pin to the taskbar and click on Copy.
5. Return to your desktop, right-click on the empty space, select New and then click on Shortcut.
6. In the 'Create Shortcut' window, paste the shortcut you just copied. This will add, which is needed, the full path to the shortcut.
7. Now you must add the word “explorer” to the beginning of the path. (Explorer “C:\Taskshorts\64Bit - This is an example for one I created)
8. You can now right click the shortcut, and select “Pin to Taskbar”, or copy and paste to the taskbar. If you have no further need for the desktop shortcut, you can delete it.
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