Win 7
User account is one of two "admin" accounts
I have a program (Garmin Training Center) that every time I run it asks for
admin permission.
Sometimes it asks at various steps along the way when I try to do something
in the program.
How can I get it to stop doing this?
I'd like to be able to just connect my device & have the program run
automatically w/o having the extra pop-up permission window.
(pop-*under*, actually, which I don't always notice & I often have sound
turned off & don't see it)
Is remembering to choose "run as admin" every time the only solution?
Even if I do choose that, it still asks for permission to "make changes to
this computer" before starting up -- I'm not even sure what changes it's
talking about, since the program is just importing data (albeit from an
"external" source.)
I have plenty of other programs that don't do this & some of them make more
changes than TC ever does. So where have I maybe missed a setting?
Thank you for suggestions (other than "don't use WLM".)
User account is one of two "admin" accounts
I have a program (Garmin Training Center) that every time I run it asks for
admin permission.
Sometimes it asks at various steps along the way when I try to do something
in the program.
How can I get it to stop doing this?
I'd like to be able to just connect my device & have the program run
automatically w/o having the extra pop-up permission window.
(pop-*under*, actually, which I don't always notice & I often have sound
turned off & don't see it)
Is remembering to choose "run as admin" every time the only solution?
Even if I do choose that, it still asks for permission to "make changes to
this computer" before starting up -- I'm not even sure what changes it's
talking about, since the program is just importing data (albeit from an
"external" source.)
I have plenty of other programs that don't do this & some of them make more
changes than TC ever does. So where have I maybe missed a setting?
Thank you for suggestions (other than "don't use WLM".)