pci simple communication controller driver needed

Feb 9, 2012
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hi everyone,
need some help im trying to download the pci simple communication controller driver but i seem to be having trouble downloading it, i download the driver checkers it takes me to but i have to register (pay for them) and i really dont wanna pay for it, i had one i didnt pay for n it worked awesome but i cant seem to find it again, doesnt help[ hat i cant remember the name of it...but please if you can help me it would be great thank in advance :)....leah
Feb 9, 2012
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hello i need to download simple pci communication controller drivers but i having trouble, every driver checker thing i download scans my comp tells me i have blah blah blah drivers out of date but when i go to download/fix the problem it wont let me till i pay for registration i really dont wanna pay i havent before, i jus cnt remember the name off my last driver checker thing i had, but can anyone help please with the pci controller or a good/free to use driver checker thanks in advance. leah


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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shortiie, I have merged your posts and given you your own thread.

We need the brand and model of your computer or of your motherboard and whether you are W7 32-bit or 64-bit if we are going to have any chance of finding your driver.
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