SOLVED Paul Thurrots Clean Upgrade Guide.

Elmer BeFuddled

Resident eejit
Jun 12, 2010
Reaction score
I always pointed people to Paul Thurrot's original, definitive and excellent guide on how to do a clean install with upgrade media.

That has now disappeared :(. Or has it? Is it just my google powers that have vanished? Does anyone have a new link? Did anyone D/L and copy it? Can I have a copy, pretty please?

It was very handy for people who had upgraded and were having bsod's due to older drivers still on their systems, to show them how to do it.

Elmer BeFuddled

Resident eejit
Jun 12, 2010
Reaction score
It is, but it isn't. The old one had descriptions on how to get round possible issues as you were only using an upgrade disc. But that's a handy link anyway. Thanks!

Elmer BeFuddled

Resident eejit
Jun 12, 2010
Reaction score
I've written to Paul asking him for a copy of his old version. Hopefully mine will be one of the many hundreds of emails he must receive that he gets round to reading soon.

In the meantime I have found a plagiarised version at the usual, that I'll amend but would much rather be passing on the original.

Credit where credit is due after all.

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